The Faculty Role

The Faculty Role

Regardless of their experience with online teaching, their technical skills, or their experience with instructional design, all faculty members come to us as experts in their discipline, content, and pedagogy. This expertise is the most important resource faculty members bring to the course development and our processes exist in great part to assist in transforming this knowledge into a quality online course that these same faculty members can teach for years to come.
When creating online courses, faculty retain all the same responsibilities associated with the creation of their face-to-face courses while in some cases taking on additional responsibilities specific to online courses.

eCampus has compiled a set of Competencies for Online and Hybrid/Blended Instruction that serve as the basis for all faculty development efforts the unit provides. Reviewing these competencies should provide you with a preview of the skills, knowledge, and abilities you will develop and improve as a result of working with eCampus.